In creative arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts.
Studying the creative arts, students learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform. Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives.
Students must study 100 hours of both music and visual arts during Years 7 to 10. They also have an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills in other art forms through elective subjects including drama, dance, photography and visual design. Students can then select from a range of courses in Years 11 to 12.

Visual Arts
Macintyre Visual Arts, Photography & Digital Media Department aim to promote skills and ideas and provoke our students to constantly extend themselves, materially, technically and conceptually. We aim to teach our students a wide range of skills and encourage experimentation in a multitude of techniques. Our courses allow students to develop a body of work in a creative environment with excellent technical facilities.
Visual Arts and Photography Courses Years 7-10
• Year 7 Visual Arts (mandatory for all students)
• Year 8 Visual Arts (mandatory for all students)
Year 9 and 10 elective courses
• Visual Arts
• Photography, Digital Media and Video
Visual Arts and Photography Courses Years 11 and 12 elective courses
• Visual Arts
• Photography, Digital Media and Video
Extension Programs
- National Art School Dobell Drawing Scholarship
- National Art School HSC Intensive Course
- Inverell Art Gallery Competitive Exhibition - Youth Art Award
- Hann Gallery Curatorial Experience
- NGC Curatorial Scholarship
- Silkcut Linoprint Secondary Schools
Support Programs
Students with special needs are well catered for so that all students can experience learning in Visual Arts and Photography.

The music department at Macintyre High School offers a range of core curriculum and elective courses spanning all enrolled years at the school. It also offers extra-curricular activities and fosters links with local, state and national programs for all manner of musical endeavour.
Compulsory music courses are undertaken in years 7 and 8. They run for one semester in year 7 and one semester in year 8. (100 hrs nominally in total), and include one dedicated computer lab lesson. (This schedule is current with the 4 classes that have full access to the music department and its resources. The 5th classes will undertake similar activities and achieve the same reported outcomes, but with modification appropriate to the resources available external to the music department).
Year 7
The year 7 course covers all aspects of literacy and numeracy, including musical languages, while offering students the opportunity to learn basic instrumental and ensemble skills. The broad themes are based upon rhythm and pitch elements as they occur in cultures such as found in the countries of Africa and Indonesia, but at all times link with contemporary and western art music that the students are exposed to in day to day life. Students use their voices, dance and perform roles as part of drumming ensembles and Gamelan orchestras, with some 'pop' mixed in.
Year 8
The year 8 course builds on the skills of the year 7 course, adding more opportunities for students to learn guitar, bass, drum kit and keyboard instruments. Students are presented with methods to acquire all the skills commonly used to write, perform and record a modern 'pop' song. Students are exposed to the processes involved in research and development sought after in later employment, discovering the methods others have used to create music for specific purposes, and then given the opportunity to apply or modify these methods so as to create their own songs.
All the resources of the music department are available including, but not limited to: Acoustic and electronic drum kits, acoustic and electric guitars and basses, acoustic and electric pianos, microphones and digital recording studio. This teamed with the computer and lab work and the formation of a class recording company enables a very contemporary and relevant avenue to experience and explore the development of employable skills.
Elective music courses commence in year 9 and continue to the end of year 12 with the available HSC courses; music 1, music 2 and music extension.
Year 9 and 10
Year 9 and 10 can study music for one year (100hrs) or two years for the intended progression to senior elective music courses (200hrs).
The junior elective course provides more opportunity than the compulsory course for students to incorporate their instrumental wishes with formal activities in composing, aural skills, musicology and both ensemble and solo performance. This is done by incorporating the legacy awareness of historical musical systems and their ongoing development in the contemporary music 'industry'.
Subject materials are derived from film, television, advertising, gaming / multimedia, as well as the highlights of western art music and traditions from other cultures. The course involves intensive skills development in aural awareness, scales, chords and keys; score and chart reading; transcription and arrangements for both performance and recording.
Specific resources for the junior elective course include:
· student laptops and interactive take home study aids
· greater freedom to use the MIDI lab
· specific computer music resources such as synth wind instruments, HD-1 drumkit and computer tutor, JamHub, split pianos, ukuleles & guitars.
Year 11 and 12
The senior elective courses commence in year 11 with two entry points into the preliminary HSC. Music 1 accommodates all comers from first timers to students who have completed the junior 200hr course. Music 2 is aimed at students who have completed the junior 200hr course with a particular desire to continue studies into western art music and jazz. Both courses provide the opportunity for the student to explore all aspects of musical skill through specific assessments in aural, compositional, musicological and performance skills. Once completed the preliminary courses lead into the specific HSC courses (including the addition of music extension for high achieving music 2 candidates), where students may specialise to suit their future career needs. Past music 1 candidates have achieved high band 6 results and continued onto careers in music, film and multimedia, demonstrating there is plenty of scope to cater for all needs in any of the three courses.
Extra Curricular Activities
In order to provide the most comprehensive experience possible in music many extra - curricular groups are also run in parallel to the courses timetabled within the school's structure.
Pre COVID, these included: · The Fossickers Jazz Training Combo http://www.the-fossickers-jazz-training-combo.websyte.com.au, · Gem-Tones Stage band http://www.gem-tones-stageband.websyte.com.au which function for all Inverell school students and community members
The school is working towards rebuilding these and other student directed activities such as a vocal group, drumming group, Ukulele club, interest bands and ensembles.
All classes and extra-curricular groups are encouraged to perform regularly, with some working beyond school assemblies, "A Taste of Macintyre" and the local eisteddfod to be incorporated into local community festivals and performances in other towns. Many past students have gained industry recognition such as JJJ Unearthed or developing their own career opportunities locally and internationally.
Further links have been forged with the New England Conservatorium of Music (NECOM) who share one of the Macintyre campus sites and the local Inverell music centre. http://necom.une.edu.au/inverell_campus.html
Above all, music at Macintyre High is an accessible art for all, and a valuable asset in general employment skills development for any student. Music makes the mind stronger, and it is both challenging and rewarding as a result.

The drama courses offered at Macintyre High School provide opportunities for students to develop a range of skills that aim to develop physical, emotional, intellectual, social, creative and expressive capacity.
In drama, students can investigate, shape and symbolically represent ideas, feelings, attitudes, beliefs and their consequences. By studying this major art form students acquire skills in interpretation, communication, performance and critical analysis. Students also become aware of the technical processes and technologies that may be used to heighten dramatic presentation.
In the critical study of drama and theatre students recognise the collaborative contribution of actors, directors, playwrights, designers and technicians to production. They also develop an understanding of cultural traditions and social contexts of drama and theatre.
Junior Courses 7-10
Drama in the junior school focuses on participation and the development of self-confidence and performance skills. Students undertake play-building units in years 8, 9 and 10 which allows the students to create drama that reflects their level of knowledge and the world around them. This practical element is combined with theoretical study to ensure that each junior course provides a comprehensive dramatic experience for all students.
Courses covered in the junior school may include:
- Elements of Drama
- Improvisation
- Enacting Scripted Drama Creating Drama
- History of Drama
- Puppetry
- Monologues
- Issue Bases Play-building
- Theatre Styles - Shakespeare
- Mask
- Scripting
- Character Based Play-building
- Australian Drama - Realism
- Theatre Sports
- Acting
- Monologues
- Group Play-building
- Directing
- Productions and Performances
- Small Screen Drama
Senior Courses 11-12
Senior drama courses build upon the student's skills and experiences. Whilst previous drama experience is beneficial it is not an essential requirement for students to take part in senior courses. In Year 11 the foundations of dramatic knowledge are cemented through study of the following units:
- Improvisation, Acting and Play-building
- Theatre Styles
- Elements of Production and Performance
These units establish the foundation essential for success in HSC Drama. In Year 12 students study two theoretical units based on Australian drama as well as theatre from around the world. Students also undertake a group performance with other members of their class. This dramatic piece is created entirely by the students and forms a large part of their senior assessment. In addition to this student must complete an individual project in one of the following areas:
- Performance
- Design - Lighting, Costume, Promotion and Program, or Set
- Video Drama
- Critical Analysis
- Script Writing
Drama is a very rewarding course and experience for students who are willing to devote the time and energy required for success.
Extension Opportunities
We offer a variety of opportunities for our students to extend themselves beyond the curricular expectations.
The activities available include:
- Natjul Indigenous Performing Arts - Forum Theatre Workshop
- Rhum and Clay Theatre Company (UK) - Creating Theatre, Telling Stories Physically
- Christmas Holiday Workshop
- Sydney Theatre Company - The New England Project
- Belvoir - Divising Theatre Workshop
HSC Drama Texts
- Dr Steven Gration - HSC Drama Approaches to Acting Theatre Camp
- Bell Shakespeare - Performances
- Brainstorm Productions - Performances
- Sound & Fury (US) - Workshops and Performance
- North West Film Festival - Filmmaking
HSC Onstage Excursion including:
- Zeal Theatre Company - Workshops and Performances
- ATYP - Workshops and Performance
- Sydney Theatre Company - Performances
- Belvoir - Workshops and Performances
- Griffin Theatre Company - Workshops and Performances